Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Mayflower Month: The storms which changed history


Having left England for the last time in mid-September, they initially were cheered because September passed "under fair skies and with a fresh breeze blowing."

"Then suddenly, the weather changed as fierce storms came roaring out of the west. For days at a time it was impossible to carry a yard of sail, the ship drifting under bare poles with the helmsman desperately trying to hold her into the wind as she wallowed through mountainous seas which often had her lying on her beam-ends."

(Donna:  we can scarcely imagine how terrible awful it was for that dear group of 102 people crammed into a space the size of a living room.)

Finally,  November came and their course had brought them to the wrist of Cape Cod. They were glad to be sight land again, as "the Mayflower seemed to be in great danger and ye wind shrieking upon them withall." So they, with a sigh of relief, sailed into the safety of Provincetown harbor. 

But this was not Virginia..............what to do?

(Quoting from Saints and Strangers, by George F. Willison, 1945.)

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