Saturday, August 25, 2012

Remember EWGS member Judy Williams?

Many of you will remember our long-time EWGS member Judy Williams.  Well, I'm happy to report that she is doing well......... as well as she can considering her advanced Parkinson's and having to live at Clare Bridge. We had a delightful visit yesterday and talked about her Anton Traut genealogy (she easily remembered the name of the little town in Germany where the family originated) and her family (not so easy to remember current names).  She would welcome your visit....... about 30 minutes is long enough. Clare Bridge is west on Francis, down the hill on the right past Northwest Terrace. 

Address & Phone:  5329 West Rifle Club Court  Spokane, WA 99208  --  509-323-1400

If you'd like to send her a funny card, you can send it c/o her home address and hubby Dick will take them out to her:  6122 N. "G" St., Spokane 99205-7357.  If you might choose to have lunch with her, you can eat for free (with advance notice).  Let me know and perhaps I can join you???

I encourage you to remember an old friend while you still can.  Donna

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