This is the cast of EWGS members that researched and portrayed people buried in Fairmount Cemetery. The Guides were Cecily Kelly, Miriam Midkiff, Barbara Brazington, Donna Phillips and Judith McDonnell.
The Actors Carolyn Whaley, Michael Chandler, Bill Hire, Echo Simmons (granddaughter of Carolyn Whaley), Clair Brazington (husband of Barbara Brazington), Sarah Hoover and Sydney Chrittum (Lakeside High School students), John Wilson, Carol Nettles, Patricia Mielbrecht (she contacted local Civic Theater for costumes), Deborah LeGrand, Jeanne Coe, Doris Woodward, Edward Kelly (husband of Cecily Kelly), Donna Phillips, Patricia Bayonne Johnson, Susan Puhek, Janice Bueckers, Jonathan Berrige (Lakeside High School Student), and Maria Balcom

They Portrayed: Ida C.B. Anderson from Sweden, John E. Peterman from Germany and worked for Northern Pacific Railroad, Frank Johnson A civil War soldier that was a body guard for Abe Lincoln, Florence Harris, Charles K. Monfort a Carman for street railways. This group was all along the GAR Avenue. Harriet Ham and Maud Lulu Parks were both children that died of Scarlet Fever, Edgar Jerome Webster another Civil War soldier and first President of Fairmount Cemetery, Christiana H. Ellis who married Norman J, Merriam, Matilda M. Holly married Joseph Holley another Civil War Vet who was part of the Holly Mason hardware store in downtown Spokane, Adella Louella Kenward Wetzel who married Daniel Florence Wetzel and died after surgery, Francis and Lucy Tull owner of the Tull block in downtown Spokane, Elizabeth and Thomas Tannatt another Civil War Vet and she founded the Esther Reed DAR chapter here in Spokane. The last group was Robert W. Forest the first Mayor of Spokane and another Civil War Vet with a free military tombstone for the millionaire landowner, Barbara Wirt Clarkson a former EWGS President and accountant, Rudolph Bowman Scott a black man that was in the Navy in the Civil War, The Rundel Family Jennie and Osmer C. Rundel from Michigan and New York, James Albert and Melissa English Crisler pioneers of Valleyford, V. Eltinge son of one of the men killed in the worst avalanche to ever occur near Wellington, Washington 96 people were killed 35 passengers and 58 Great Northern employees, and Andrew Jackson and Harriet Robinson Ross Gandy he helped build the first railroad to Spokane and helped found the first newspaper in Spokane with his friend J.J. Brown.

The SAR Booth

Northeast Washington Genealogical Society Booth

Free Lunch, Thanks Fairmount!!

More people at Free Lunch, Thanks Fairmount!!
Thanks to Shirley Penna-Oakes the organizer of this wonderful Walking with Ancestors and all the other volunteers that helped to make this a success, hope to see you all back next year.