Friday, October 14, 2022

Washington Apples

Was Johnny Appleseed for real?  Click to this link and find out:
(You may have to copy/paste this link.)

Apple facts perhaps you didn't know:

Apples are a $2 BILLION industry in Washington. 
Washington grows over 30 varieties of apples....can you name five?
Apple sizing is designated by count---specifically the number of apples that can be packed in a 40-pound fiberboard carton. 
The average apple contains only FIVE seeds.

29 - times you could circle the earth with the apples picked in Washington state
7500- varieties of apples grown around the world
1381 - Year the earliest known apple pie recipe was recorded
4 lb 1 oz - weight of the world's largest apple, picked in Japan in 2005
95 - calories in a medium apple

Did our ancestors eat apples? Darn tootin. Driving around and trying to find old homesteads, the surest indication that you're in the right spot is to find an old, gnarled, apple tree. 


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