Friday, June 24, 2022

Parade Magazine Advice


Gotta love Sunday’s Parade magazine. Few months back there was an article by Kathleen McCleary outlining “how to keep your brain happy, healthy and engaged during retirement.” WELL!  She was talking about doing genealogy!!! Here are her points with my comments:

·        Try something creative – do some learning to find new ways to tackle an old and brickwall problem. Every website offers tutorials and you can learn how to do anything and about anything on YouTube.

·        Keep up with the world around you – use your computer for more than email! Use social media for more than Facetime with family. These are tools that most certainly can be used to do genealogy. If you haven’t already, learn how to ZOOM.

·        Choose Stimulating environments – like ZOOM presentations, classes, seminars, museum tours, country tours, etc. YouTube has a million places to go and a bezillion things to learn.

·        Do things often – “Your brain is like a muscle…the more you use certain functions, the stronger they are and the less you use them the weaker they are.” I can almost promise you that if you don’t work on your genealogy, using online resources, you will lose your momentum and miss out on great discoveries.

·        Do more than one thing – The article pointed to the usual: don’t drink/don’t smoke/do exercise/eat veggies, etc. But I’m thinking don’t let a seeming brickwall problem stop your progress. You have 100 other lines you could work on!!! And new records and resources are coming online every single day.


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