Friday, February 18, 2022

1000 Haunted Steps..... Have You Ascended Them?


If you drive slowly on Government Way between Greenwood and Riverside Cemeteries, and if you look to the west, you might catch a glimpse of the so-called 1000 haunted steps between the trees. I guess you'll just have to visit Greenwood Memorial, maybe after dark, and see for yourself. Oh, and there are only 60 steps. 


Spokane Historian and Ghostologist, Chet Caskey, used to work for the cemeteries.  The Thousand steps date from 1898 and what the cemetery did was they sold a piece of land to a private organization which was the Elks,” Caskey said. They built a fabulous mausoleum with terraced steps and beautiful exotic plants and hired a full-time gardener and the convinced other Elks and their wives to by plots.  

The idea fizzled due to several circumstances and the mausoleum, the burials surrounding the mausoleum and the steps are all on land still in ownership dispute. 

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