18th - History Day
Fall Workshop for Teachers, 9:00 a.m. - Noon -- in conjunction with the
WWU Libraries Heritage
Resources, Center for the Pacific Northwest Studies and the Washington State Historical
Society 25th - Archives Building Open House,
11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. -- in conjunction with WWU's Fall Family Open
28th - Basics of Personal Digital Archiving
Workshop, 4:00-5:00 p.m. -- in conjunction with the
*More workshops may be added as the month approaches.
Contact the Northwest Regional Archives
for more
20th -
Common Core Tools for Teachers: The History Day Connection,
9:00 a.m. - Noon, Mt. Spokane High School, Meade -- in conjunction with the Washington State Historical
Society - 3 Clock Hours Provided free of charge!
- Information/Resource Table-- Educator Night at the
Museum--LeMay Auto Museum in Tacoma, 5:30-8:00 p.m.
- History Day Fall Teacher's Workshops, 9:00 a.m. - Noon and
1:30-4:30 p.m., University of Washington Libraries, Seattle
18th - Basics of
Historic Research, 9:00 a.m - Noon,
- The Basics of Historical Research is for teachers, students, beginning
genealogists, and others interested in exploring the past. You'll get practical
advice and learn the basic steps for gathering the information you will need to
investigate and interpret a historical topic for a museum exhibit, class
project, community celebration, curriculum enrichment, research article, History
Day, a classroom based assessment (CBA), Common Core learning standards, or
personal historical interest. This class will cover:
- What primary sources are--and aren't
- What historical sources are--and how to use them
- How to use the library system
- How to use archival collections
- How to find and use reliable online resources
- How to properly cite your sources
- How to use information from different sources
25th -
Common Core Tools for Teachers: The History Day Connection, 9:00 a.m. -
Noon, Suquamish Museum -- In
conjunction with the Washington State Historical Society - 3 Clock Hours
provided free of
Join us at the State
Archives in Olympia to celebrate Archives Month with a series of brown bag lunch
sessions on Thursdays in October! These sessions will feature records in our
collections that may help you with your genealogical or historical
All sessions are from 12:00-1:00 p.m. at 1129 Washington St.
SE, (The Southwest Regional Branch and
State Archives) in the conference room.
Contact the Southwest
Regional Archives for more information.
2nd -
Penitentiary Records--Learn about what types of records may be
found with an inmate number from the Digital Archives
9th -
Brick Wall Session with the State Archivist--are you working on
a genealogy project and have hit a brick wall? Come in and talk to Steve
Excell, our State Archivist, to get some hints and
16th - Vital Records--Learn about
what vital records are available at the State Archives and how to use them to
find additional records.
23rd - Land and Property
Research--Learn about how to research a property's history with records
from the Archives.
30th - Linda
Hazzard--Come and learn about this self-proclaimed holistic healer and
her subsequent murder charge from the turn of the century. Just in time for
Feel free to bring a lunch...and your
11th (Tentative)
- The Eastern Regional Branch and Digital Archives are planning a
Saturday Open House Event, with tours and presentations on how
to use the Digital Archives, what's new on the DA, and how to access the Eastern
Regional Archives records. Details to follow, but it will likely be held from
10:00 a.m. - 1:00 or 2:00 p.m.
The focus will be on the
Expo '74 slides and records in the collection, as it has been 40 years since
that landscape-changing event took place in Spokane!
For more information
as the date approaches, contact the Eastern Regional
Central Regional Branch to host Volunteer Recognition
Each year, the Office of the Secretary of State hosts a recognition event
to thank volunteers. This year, on October 7, we'll be in Ellensburg at the
Western V.I.P. Room at the Kittitas County Events
Center. As part of this exciting day, the Central Regional
Branch will open its doors at 1:30 p.m. for a behind-the-scenes
October 7, 9:00-10:00 a.m. (PDT) -- Presented by Tracy
Rebstock and Lori Larson
Designed for staff of libraries in Washington,
this free web presentation lets attendees share their skills
and successes, while learning about new topics. Join Legacy Washington and the
Washington State
Archives as they educate us about our history, and how to locate and
access the historical resources available through these two sources.
Do You Have What it Takes to be a 'Scribe?'
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