Monday, February 7, 2011

What You Missed: EWGSI - Our New Website Explained

What does this wonderful Norman Rockwell's painting from an old Saturday Evening Post cover have to do with our new EWGSI website? Nothing and everything.

Cecily Cone Kelly did a great job at the EWGS meeting on 5 Feb 2011 introducing and explaining our society's new website, EWGSI. I asked the folks, "what does the "I" stand for?" And they answered (correctly) for "incorporated." But not really, I said, "It stands for YOU-I-ME-EACH OF US as this website is unique and for each of us unique folks," just like those ancestors depicted in Rockwell's painting.

Our new website is designed and planned to give YOU, our EWGS members, more help, more answers and more information pointed towards doing more effective genealogy. Our EWGS-DD (catch that abbreviation for EWGS-Digital Digest) replaces our revered Bulletin and there will be a new "issue" posted quarterly.

And where will the information come from to be in the EWGS-DD? Just like always: FROM YOU. In the past you contributed stories, articles, and databases. We hope that you will continue doing this. Print-on-paper or print-on-digital, isn't it very much the same?? It is the content that matters. And our EWGS-DD and EWGSI website will have Gold-Plated, Wonderful content. Take a lookee for yourself.

Thank you, Cecily, for opening our eyes to the vast possibilities of

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