Directory editors Rod and Darlinda Ramer did an excellent job on this project, inputting countless hours of work and careful checking, and working alongside Membership Chair Pat Ewers to ensure that the directory was as accurate and up-to-date as possible. As a member, if you see an error in your information, please contact Pat as soon as possible, so that we can get the word out to other members.
Also, if you are a member, you have access to the Membership Directory online on our website as well. This online information is private and secure, and only accessible to other members, not the public. To access this information, go to the EWGS website,, and click on the Members tab in the left hand column.
Log in (if you don't know your login information, your user name is the first initial of your first name, plus your last name; in my case it is "mmidkiff". Your password is your five-digit zip code, and yes! you can change it to your own secret one later...I did!).
After you login, you will see a small menu of choices under the Members tab in the left hand column. Click on the Membership link and you will be brought to a database of member names, addresses, e-mail addresses and phone numbers.
You can browse through this list alphabetically, search for a specific member's name, or download the list as a .pdf file to your computer.
Thanks to webmaster Cecily Cone Kelly for all her hard work on our website!