Genealogical news from Spokane, Washington, USA, and the Inland Northwest.
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Wordless Wednesday

Friday, December 26, 2008
What You Missed: The December 2008 General Meeting
During the month of November, Juanita McBride was accepting donations of books and publications to sell at the December meeting and E.W.G.S. members responded with a bunch of books and publications. There was a silent auction of some books, and the publications sold for a dollar a bundle. Everyone was issued a paddle with a number so you could bid on the books, and all the money was to go for a scanner to scan and back up books and materials in the library. The most fun was watching paddle #9 buy about half the books for sale, so you missed a great sale!
Genealogy Classes in Spokane, Winter & Spring 2009
Using the Internet To Find Your Family's History: BEGINNING. "Learn to use the newest, best, easiest and more fruitful genealogy websites to find your ancestors. A basic, working knowledge of both the computer and the Internet is helpful for this entry-level class. Handouts included." Class M215, Jan 30 to Mar 6, Fridays, 10:00 am to 12:00 noon, $27. Class held in the CenterPlace, Mirabeau Center. (Donna's class)
Using the Internet To Find Your Family's History: ADVANCED. "Come to class prepared to work on one of your family lines and explore the best websites to "hatch, match and dispatch" your ancestors. Expect to complete homework! Register early so Donna can contact you to discuss your project family. Handouts included." Class M216, Jan 30 to Mar 6, Fridays, 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm, $27. CenterPlace, Mirabeau Center. (Donna's class)
***** I would not recommend that you think to take both of these classes concurrently. The morning class is an entry-level class while the afternoon class is for the more comfortable researcher.
Genealogy Online: Intermediate. "Genealogy continues to gain devoted followers seeking their family history. The intermediate class is a great opportunity to expand your search and explore family records including land, military, court and immigration. The class takes an in-depth look at major genealogy subscription websites. Prerequisite: Beginning genealogy class and a working knowledge of the computer." Class L110, Feb 24 to Mar 31, Tuesdays, 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm, $54. CenterPlace, Mirabeau Center. (Miriam's class)
*** The above classes are a series of classes. The ones listed below are one-time classes, and are Donna's classes:
Genealogy: Leaving A Legacy, Not A Mess, Class M215, March 20, Friday, 10:00 am to 12:00 noon, $9.00, CenterPlace.
Genealogy: Where Is The Book With My Family In It?, Class M216, March 27th, Friday, 10:00 am to 12:00 noon, $9.00, CenterPlace.
Genealogy: FamilySearch Indexing...Paying It Forward, Class M217, April 24, Friday, 10:00 am to 12:00 noon, $9.00, CenterPlace.
Genealogy: 50 Ways To Document A Death, Class M218, May 1, Friday, 10:00 am to 12:00 noon, $9.00, CenterPlace.
To register for any of these classes, call 279-6030 or register online at http://www.iel.spokane.edu/registration.
Reminder: Dues and January Luncheon
Have you paid your dues for 2009? They are $25, payable to EWGS, and you can mail them to P.O. Box 1826, Spokane, WA 99210-1826. Don't forget to submit any address, phone number, or e-mail address changes with your dues, so that the corrections can be made in time for the 2009 directory.
The January Luncheon is coming up soon. We will be meeting at noon at the Spokane Club (1002 W. Riverside Avenue) to hear Ian Chambers, Professor of History, University of Idaho speak on "Pirates of the Caribbean: Why Pirates Matter to History." For lunch, you have a choice of petite prime rib of beef, cedar planked king salmon, or pasta primavera (vegetarian).
Cost is $26 for members; $28 for non-members. You must submit your reservation, check (payable to EWGS) and choice of meal to EWGS at the P.O. Box number above by December 30th, which with mail delivery time means you should mail this as soon as possible! For more information, see the green insert in the December issue of the Bulletin.
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Billy Sunday's Crusade
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Civil War Veterans in Idaho
"The staff of the Idaho State Historical Society, a number of intrepid volunteers, and members of the public from around the state have identified over one thousand Civil War veterans who lived or died in Idaho. These records are indexed alphabetically by surname, and whenever possible include dates of births and deaths, the states from which they served, and the Idaho counties where they resided. For many veterans, more than one record has been uncovered."
If you have ancestors from Eastern Washington, it may be that they lived at one time in Idaho. This is certainly a site worth checking.
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Find-A-Grave: Family Linking Feature
Friday, December 19, 2008
Donna's Blue Bottle Tree
Also those of you who have been to my house know we have a 1/3 mile lane leading into the house and yesterday it was clogged with 24 inches of snow.......to my knees. Wow.
What are the beautiful scenes in YOUR yard?
FamilySearch Record Search Update: 15 Million New Records Added
Collection Name: 1870 United States Census
Indexed Records: 12,137,756
Comments: Added 7 new indexed states (KY, MN, MO, NY, TN, VA, and WV)
Collection Name: 1850 United States Census (Population)
Indexed Records: 2,027,454
Comments: Added 3 new indexed states (AL, IN, and MO)
Collection Name: 1850 United States Census (Slavery)
Indexed Records: 869,076
Comments: Added 3 new indexed states (AL, MO, and SC)
Collection Name: 1850 United States Census (Mortality)
Indexed Records: 37,990
Comments: Added 3 new indexed states (AL, IN, and LA)
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Spokane Area RootsMagic Users Group Meeting Cancelled
The RootsMagic Users Group won't be meeting -- due to the weather and snow and cold and whatever.... I guess that needs no explaining. But hope to see everyone on Thursday, January 15th at 7pm at the LDS Church at 808 E. Sitka. Merry Christmas!!Also, the North Stake Family History Center will be closed for the rest of the week, due to the weather, and then closed the next two weeks for the holidays. This is likely true for other FHCs in the area. During inclement weather, it is always best to call before attempting to travel, since the Centers are volunteer-run, and safety of those volunteers is of utmost priority.
Stay safe, everyone, and enjoy your holidays!
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Monday, December 15, 2008
FamilySearch News: 25,000 Historical Titles Now Free Online
Salt Lake City, Utah—FamilySearch International reached a milestone today with the digitization of its 25,000th publication online. It began the initiative in 2007 and is ramping up to do even more—and faster. The effort targets published family, society, county, and town histories, as well as numerous other historical publications that are digitally preserved and made accessible for free online. The digital publications can be searched at www.FamilySearch.org (Go to FamilySearch.org, then click Search Records, then click Historical Books).
The 25,000th digitized publication was A History of Lewis County, in the State of New York, from the Beginning of Its Settlement to the Present Time by Franklin B. Hough. The book was published in 1860. The lengths of titles digitized to date vary in length, but the average is about 350 pages. There are even publications in Spanish, German, French, and Russian.
FamilySearch has nearly a million publications in its famous Family History Library in Salt Lake City, Utah, and there are millions of similar publications elsewhere in the United States. “The problem with the collection [of out-of-print titles] is limited access,” said Ransom Love, FamilySearch senior vice president of Strategic Relations. “To view the publications, patrons have to travel to Salt Lake City or one of FamilySearch’s affiliate libraries. If you are lucky, you might be able to order a microfilm copy, but then you have to wait for it to arrive at your local family history center. And there’s the inconvenience of having to read it on a film reader,” added Love.
FamilySearch aims to change all of that. Working with volunteers and select affiliate libraries, it plans to create the largest digital collection of published histories on the Web. It is targeting a wide range of historical publications—for example, users might be pleasantly surprised to find digital copies of Hawaii Sugar Planters Association Filipino Laborer files (1909-1949), medieval family history resource titles, and oral history abstracts (mostly from Hawaii), and numerous gazetteers.
“These are publications that were usually limited in the number originally printed and therefore only accessible in a few libraries or special collections worldwide. Yet there can be some great information of genealogical significance in the publications that only a few people would have access to prior to now,” said Love.
Through its Records Access Program, FamilySearch is digitally preserving a copy of the publications and making them available online for the masses. Once digitized, the collections have "every word" search capability, which allows users to search by name, location, date, or other fields across the collection. The search results are then linked to high quality digital images of the original publication.
FamilySearch is not stopping with its own collection either. Over the past year, it announced that it is also helping to digitize and publish collections from the Brigham Young University Harold B. Lee Library, Brigham Young University—Hawaii Joseph F. Smith Library, Allen County Public Library (ACPL) in Fort Wayne, Indiana, Houston Public Library, in Houston, Texas, and Mid-Continent Public Library Midwest Genealogy Center in Independence, Missouri. When all is said and done, there will be over a million publications in the digital collection online. It will be the largest free resource of its kind.
Sunday, December 14, 2008
The Great Depression in Spokane
What You Missed: The November 2008 General Meeting

The November 1st meeting was a Brick Wall Panel of experts answering queries sent in by EWGS members. The panel of experts consisted of Barbara Brazington, Charles Hansen, Bill Hire and Bette Topp. We were introduced an moderated by Beverly Smith Vorpahl because our program chairman Pat Bayonne-Johnson was in the Caribbean on a genealogical cruse. Queries were due by October 15 and we received seven queries. Barbara was sick on November 1 and we really missed her.
The first was looking for a death date an place for Jeannie Coe's grandfather. He was in the 1910 Washington census and disappeared before the 1920 census. I suggested trying the Idaho and Oregon Death indexes in the library, and also the possibility that he went to live with one or the other of his children and possibly died where the child lived.
The next was a query from Inez Hodge on looking for the correct date of birth of an ancestor. She had a birth record and a death record that told his age in years, months and days and the two dates were not the same. I used the date calculator in PAF to come up with his date of birth from his death record, which was about six months earlier than his birth record, so was the death age wrong, could be since the birth information on a death certificate could be incorrect due to the informant not knowing. Inez came up afterwards and said if the death information date was correct he would have been born less than nine months after his parents were married, so they may have changed his birth record to show his birth nine months after the marriage.
Joan Martin had a query about an Italian family in New York City between 1900 and 1910, and the panel was not much help on this query, Barbara did find a possible marriage for the lady Joan was looking for, but other than that we did not find much to help her.
Gerry Gosche sent several queries, one on the Ship the Fortune that tradition says her ancestor left Ireland on in 1848, was shipwrecked and they went back to Ireland and got on another ship to America. She was not able to find a passenger record in New York and wondered if this story was true. The internet had several ships called the Fortune, but none of us could find anything about it being shipwrecked in 1848 or any other date. I checked the New York Times website and they had a review of a book where the people in the book had been shipwrecked in 1848 on leaving Ireland , came back to Ireland and eventually came to the USA. The panel suggested for Gerry to try alternate ports of entry, Boston, Philadelphia or even Canada.
Gerry's next query was on looking for birth mother of a child of a serviceman and a lady in Taiwan in the 1960s. Bill had been in Taiwan as a serviceman and he suggested the American Embassy, and we suggested birth records, but with so little to go on that may never be solved.
Gerry's next query was looking for a surveyor Thomas Gallagher that supposedly disappeared in the 1860s in “Indian territory”. While the government was surveying for a railroad about then and the area was starting to be settled it is possible he may never be found. I did have a suggestion on how I found my great-great grandfather was a surveyor, I checked the DAR books in the library on Washington Pioneers, and there was many pages listing my great great grandfather, and so I checked them. It was copies of deeds he had surveyed as the county surveyor in Missouri. So maybe the DAR had collected some information on her Thomas Gallagher.
Gerry's last query was what happened to the Lockwood Studios and their old pictures? I checked the city directories and followed the Lockwood studios to the Valley, and through a name change to Cunningham Studios which is still operating here in Spokane.
At the end the panel opened it up to queries from the audience, and also help from the audience.
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Hello to EWGS from the Family History Library
--Donna Potter Phillips
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Spokane Area RootsMagic Users Group to Meet Thursday
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Saturday, December 6, 2008
FamilySearch Record Search Update: 4 Million New Census, Church, Marriage, and Tax Records Added
Collection Name: 1870 US Census
Indexed Records: 3,562,549
Digital Images: Linked
Comments: Four new indexed states added (GA, KS, NC, and TX)
Collection Name: Illinois Cook County Marriages
Indexed Records: 574,318
Digital Images: 573,748
Comments: Currently includes years from 1900 to 1920.
Collection Name: Ohio, Diocese of Toledo, Catholic Parish Records 1796 to 2004
Indexed Records: ---
Digital Images: 101,982
Comments: Searchable digital images only.
Collection Name: Ohio Tax Records 1816 to 1838
Indexed Records: 200,648
Digital Images: 7,323
Comments: Includes records from Columbiana, Guernsey, Harrison, and Jefferson Counties
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Monday, December 1, 2008
Mentors for Members Considered for South African Genealogical Society
The Genealogical Society of South Africa, West Gauteng Branch is considering a "Mentors for Members" program to boost and retain membership in their society. After discussing at length the decline of the branch membership in relation to the rise in national membership, one member suggested having a mentorship program, where an experienced researcher would be teamed with up to five "newbies", matched with similar interests or research locations.
It's good to see a society brainstorming ideas instead of throwing in the towel when faced with decreasing membership. I applaud the West Gauteng Branch, not only for their efforts, but for sharing those ideas on their blog. Genealogical societies can learn from each other through the public forum of the Internet, such as a blog affords.
Saturday, November 29, 2008
One Society Bites the Dust; Another One Celebrates a Milepost
Dick Eastman, in his Eastman's Online Genealogical News blog mentioned the demise of the Sangamon County, Illinois Genealogical Society:
After 40 years in existence, the Sangamon County Genealogical Society is shutting down next month. Declining membership and dues revenue, as well as the abundance of genealogical information available on the Internet, all contributed to the group’s demise, its leaders said this week.All I can say about this statement is "Rubbish!" It was not the "abundance of genealogical information available on the Internet that contributed to the group's demise", I assure you. With 100% confidence, I can declare that it was the group's refusal to 1) adapt to the changing times and to 2) view the "abundance of genealogical information available on the Internet" as a tool and a means to promote their society, rather than as an enemy. To blame Internet genealogical resources as a cause of society closure is like insisting that televised church services will shut down churches as we know them. Yes, there are many people out there who prefer to do "pajama genealogy." But sooner or later, they will hit a brick wall, and who must be there to help them break it down? Genealogical societies, with their "how to" classes, their offline resources, their members with decades of research experience and high citation standards. Genealogical societies need to arm themselves with knowledge and skills about the Internet, computers, and online research in order to ensure confidence in those they are assisting, as well as to keep their societies viable for the coming generations. Compare the Sangamon County, Illinois Genealogical Society with the California Genealogical Society and Library, who has just celebrated their blog's one-year anniversary ("blogiversary"):
Just one short year ago during our regular monthly meeting, members of the CGS board of directors took a look at the blog I created for the society and gave permission to go live. They were all wonderfully enthusiastic about the idea and have been supportive contributors throughout the year. I sold this experiment as a way to communicate with members and promote CGS at no cost to the society. So far, in my humble opinion, the blog is a success.So writes Kathryn M. Doyle, blogmeister and board member of the CGS. Some of the regular "columns" the CGSL blog features are Wordless Wednesdays, a post every Wednesday that does not have an accompanying written article, but instead shows one or more photographs of the society in action, whether at a meeting, a workshop, or assisting researchers in the library. Another feature is having members post a small series of articles about a research trip they've taken. Just like EWGS, the CGSL blog posts upcoming programs and summarizes their meetings for those who missed them or who live out-of-area. The CGSL is an example to follow, not just in its blog, but in the attitude, perspective, and vision of its board and members, which has allowed the society to not only adapt with the times, but be a leader and standard-bearer for other societies.
So, EWGS members, how are we to respond? I hope that I am pricking the conscience of a few readers out there by insisting that we cannot survive if we continue to conduct the society "as we always have." I believe, by and large, that most of our membership and leadership is willing to go forward and this has allowed us to be successful thus far. But for those who are holding back, please consider the state of the Sangamon County, Illinois Genealogical Society--and many other societies which have recently gone by the wayside--and determine within yourself that this will not be the end result of the Eastern Washington Genealogical Society!
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
What you missed November 2008 Internet Class
Juanita McBride was the instructor for a class on PERSI and NUCMC. PERSI is short for PERiodical Source Index and is done by the Allen County Library in Ft. Wayne, Indiana.
Juanita started out by showing the book form of PERSI which was the original way to use PERSI. Later on they put PERSI on a CD and that is where I first used it. PERSI is available from the library in their Searchable Databases under Heritage Quest, and can be searched either at the library or for Spokane City residents you can access those databases from your home computer using your library card number. Ancestry also has PERSI. PERSI is divided into four sections:
- Surname
- Locality
- Methodology
- Bibliography
Surname and Locality are self-explanatory; Methodology lets you search for articles on search methods. The last section is Bibliography and that lists all the periodicals in the Allen County library. It includes the EWGS Bulletin.
If you find an article you are interested in, Allen County Library has an order form for copies. They charge $7.50 plus 20 cents a page for the copies. That form is with the online database here. Be sure to check our own library for the periodical, since EWGS has a large collection of periodicals and the article you are looking for may be in that collection.
Dolly Webb brought an interlibrary loan form and said she had used it for items she had found in PERSI and using interlibrary loan is free. My suggestion is you can also send to whoever authored the periodical for a copy. I have received queries for copies of articles from the EWGS Bulletin that people found using PERSI.
The second part of Juanita's class was on NUCMC (pronounced "nuckmuck") or the National Union Catalog of Manuscript Collections, which was created by the Library of Congress in 1959 and contains records about materials in public, university and special libraries throughout the United States.
From 1959 to 1993, NUCMC was published in printed form. These books are in our genealogy collection at the library. The online version covers only records added after 1986 to the present.
To access it you need an internet connection, and then click here. It brings up a screen with three columns: clicking on "search OCLC catalog" brings up Questions on Searching; or Simple or Advanced search. Juanita suggested a simple search for Ohio Quakers, and it brought up several pages of hits. Clicking on one allows you to find out more detailed information on whatever you are interested in. I do not have any Ohio ancestors so I tried Massachusetts Quakers and several pages of hits came up. NUCMC is a real unused resource.
UPDATE: If you would like a copy of Juanita's syllabus, please e-mail Miriam Robbins Midkiff.
Resources I am Thankful for
The other place I am thankful for is the Spokane County Auditors Office and staff, they are always very cheery and very helpful to me and other genealogists, Thanks Vicki Dalton and staff.
Monday, November 24, 2008
FamilySearch News: Houston Public Library Joins with FamilySearch to Publish Gulf Coast State Histories Online
Houston Public Library Joins FamilySearch in Digitization Effort
SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH—Thousands of publications that capture the diverse histories of Gulf Coast states will be accessible for free online. FamilySearch and the Houston Public Library announced a joint project today to digitally preserve and publish the library’s vast collection of county and local histories, registers of individuals, directories of Texas Rangers, church histories, and biographical dictionaries. The digital records will be available for free online at FamilySearch.org and HoustonLibrary.org.
“Houston Public Library has one of the top 10 genealogy libraries in the nation and a very strong Gulf Coast and international collection,” said Susan D. Kaufman, manager, Houston Public Library’s Clayton Library Center for Genealogical Research. “Visitors come from all over the country to visit the library. Researchers will benefit from the convenience of online access to the collection targeted under the joint venture with FamilySearch,” added Kaufman.
In 2007, FamilySearch announced its plans to create the largest and most comprehensive collection of free city and county histories online. Over 23,000 digital publications have been made available online since then. The addition of Houston Public Library and its collection furthers that goal.
Under the agreement, FamilySearch will digitally preserve thousands of Houston Public Library’s historic publications collection and provide free access to the images online. The targeted publications range in date from 1795 to 1923.
The new digital collections published online will have “every word” search capability, which allows users to search by name, location, date, or other fields across the collection. The search results are then linked to high quality digital images of the original publication. Users will also be able to just browse or read the publications as digital books online if they prefer.
The digitization efforts have already begun, and publications are now viewable online. Texas records are the first publications targeted by the initiative, followed by other Gulf Coast states. The project will take up to five years to complete.
Digital publications will be noted and hyperlinked in the Family History Library Catalog at FamilySearch.org as they are digitized. The growing collection can be accessed currently at FamilySearch.org (go to Search Records, and then Historical Books).
“We are honored to be part of such an important and beneficial initiative with a world leader like FamilySearch,” said Kaufman. “The digitization and online publication of Houston Public Library’s historic collections will help increase the inquisitiveness of library patrons and create a heightened sense of awareness of the library’s resources—which then brings customers back more often with more research questions. It’s a win-win for everyone,” Kaufman added.
FamilySearch is providing the computers, scanners, and camera operators required to complete the project. FamilySearch previously announced projects with Allen County Public Library in Fort Wayne, Indiana, Brigham Young University Harold B. Lee Library, and FamilySearch’s own Family History Library in Salt Lake City.
The Houston Public Library’s Clayton Library Center for Genealogical Research is also a FamilySearch Affiliate Library. That means local patrons have access to millions of microfilms from FamilySearch’s vast genealogical collection in Salt Lake City, Utah. Patrons can order research material from FamilySearch through the library and use the library’s film readers and copiers to further their genealogical efforts.
About FamilySearch International
FamilySearch International is the largest genealogy organization in the world. Millions of people use FamilySearch records, resources, and services to learn more about their family history. To help in this great pursuit, FamilySearch has been actively gathering, preserving, and sharing genealogical records worldwide for over 100 years. FamilySearch is a nonprofit organization sponsored by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Patrons may access FamilySearch services and resources free online at familysearch.org or through over 4,500 family history centers in 70 countries, including the main Family History Library in Salt Lake City, Utah.
itsourtree.com Renamed to dynastree.com
Family network itsourtree.com changes its name to dynastree
Hamburg, 24th November 2008. The fastest-growing family network worldwide itsourtree.com got a new name: dynastree. The new name is easier to keep in mind and underlines the cross-generational aspect of the worldwide network.
Co-founder Daniel Groezinger explains: “The new name is an international fusion of the words dynasty and family tree. It symbolizes our network’s essence: connecting the generations by means of the family tree.” Of course, the free network’s services will still be available using the domain itsourtree.com.
The free genealogy network dynastree continues to grow rapidly: Until today, 60 million person profiles have been added to 6 million family trees worldwide. Future plans are the expansion to Russia and Turkey.
About dynastree
Apart from the English site, the services are available in Germany (www.verwandt.de), in Poland (www.moikrewni.pl), Spain and South America (www.miparentela.com), Portugal (www.meusparentes.com.pt), Brazil (www.meusparentes.com.br), the Netherlands (www.verwant.nl), Italy (www.parentistretti.it) and France (www.familleunie.fr). The platform will continue expanding to other European countries as well as worldwide. Itsourtree.com is supported by leading Business Angels, Hasso Plattner Ventures and Neuhaus Partners, a well-known venture capitalist.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
MyHeritage and Family Tree DNA Partner to Help People Trace Family History Using DNA
“With close to 220,000 records, FamilyTreeDNA is the largest database of genealogical DNA information in the world. This provides the perfect complement to MyHeritage’s current research tools, giving our members another way to learn about where they come from,” said Gilad Japhet, founder and CEO of MyHeritage. “We help people around the world discover, connect and communicate with their extended family network and easily research their family history. Now, by working with FamilyTreeDNA, we can offer a solution when the paper trail runs out.”
Since its founding in 2000, FamilyTreeDNA has tested over 450,000 people, helping customers trace family history when no conventional records are available. The advanced DNA screening technology, among other things, can reveal Native American, African or Jewish descent on paternal or maternal lines, as well as uncover ancestral information for those who were adopted. Through a range of tests, users can obtain information on recent and historical origins, including a migration map on both paternal and maternal lines. MyHeritage's 27 million users will have access to the following three tests:
• Y-DNA25 – a Y-chromosome test for males (US$129)
• mtDNA – a mitochondrial DNA test for males and females (US$129)
• Y-DNA25 + mtDNA – a combined Y-chromosome and mitochondrial DNA test for males (US$219)
Bennett Greenspan, President and CEO of FamilyTreeDNA, said, “MyHeritage is an invaluable resource when researching family history online, which is a perfect complement for our DNA research. Our DNA research can show two people that they are related, and MyHeritage's Smart Matching technology can compare their family trees to show the connection. We are also excited to give our members, through MyHeritage, a way to stay connected with relatives all over the world.”
MyHeritage is a leading online destination for families. On the site, people can find relatives, research family history, and stay connected to family members across the globe. In addition, MyHeritage offers automatic photo tagging technology that makes it easier to label, organize and search for digital photos, giving families another fun way to stay in touch.
About MyHeritage
MyHeritage was founded by a team of people who combine a passion for family history with the development of innovative technology. It is now one of the world’s leading online networks for families, and the second largest family history website. MyHeritage is available in 34 languages and home to more than 27 million family members and 280 million profiles. The company recently acquired Kindo, a family social network, and is based in Bnei Atarot, near Tel Aviv, Israel. For more information, visit www.myheritage.com.
Find a video about MyHeritage's new photo tagging features here:
About Family Tree DNA
Founded in April 2000, Family Tree DNA (www.familytreedna.com) was the first company to develop the commercial application of DNA testing for genealogical purposes: until then, testing had only been available for academic and scientific research. Since that time, the pioneering company has developed a breadth and depth of programs and services and created standards that have earned it international respect and made it the world's most popular DNA-testing service not only for genealogists but for anyone interested in delving beyond the surface into family roots. Today, Family Tree DNA's approaches 220,000 individual test records, making it the premier source for researching recent and distant family ties. Family Tree DNA has recently been featured in Time, Newsweek, the New York Times and the Los Angeles Times and on NBC-TV's "Today Show" and CBS-TV's "60 Minutes."
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Woman Wants Recognition for Spokane's Black U.S.O.
Today, the building that housed the black U.S.O. stands empty. Washington Photo, a longtime business in Spokane that occupied the former U.S.O. building, closed its doors in August.
A leader in Spokane’s black community wants the history of the building recognized and preserved, and has called for having it listed on the national or local registers of historic places to acknowledge the contributions of blacks and other minorities to the war effort.
Read more about this effort to preserve Spokane's African-American past here. A historical photo slideshow is also available.
Historic Campbell House to Close
From the November 7, 2008 issue of the Spokesman-Review:
The Northwest Museum of Arts and Culture will close the historic Campbell House on Jan. 2 and lay off the mansion’s three part-time tour guides due to state budget cuts.
Museum-goers will no longer be able to tour the historic Kirtland Cutter-designed mansion, although Dennis Hession, the MAC’s chief executive officer, said he hopes that school-group tours can continue. The Campbell House’s numerous holiday events in 2008 will continue on schedule.
Read more here.
Volunteers Discover Fun Facts Transcribing Historic Canadian Censuses
Completed Indexes Will Be Free Online
Ontario, Canada—FamilySearch International announced its plans to make the indexes to available Canadian censuses accessible online for free with the help of online volunteer indexers and an agreement with Ancestry.ca. The first censuses completed will be those from 1861, 1871, and 1916. Online volunteers are needed to help transcribe select information from digital images of the historical documents into easily searchable indexes. The completed indexes will be available for free at www.familysearch.org.
Famous Canadians in the 1916 Census
What do Art Linkletter, Sir William Samuel Stephenson, and Elvina Fay Wray have in common? They all have ties to one of the three provinces that make up the 1916 Canada Census, and some lucky volunteer may experience the thrill of transcribing their information for the free online index.
1. Arthur Gordon Kelly (Art Linkletter) will be found as a four-year-old child at Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan. He was abandoned as an infant and then adopted and raised by a preacher. He hosted House Party and People Are Funny both on radio and later on newfangled television, and he is best remembered for his interviews with children on the television show Kids Say the Darndest Things. His adoptive parents were Fulton John Linkletter and Mary Metzler.
2. Sir William Samuel Stephenson was a Canadian soldier, airman, businessman, inventor, spymaster, and a British intelligence specialist during World War II. Stephenson is best known by his wartime intelligence codename of Intrepid and is considered by some to be one of the real-life inspirations for James Bond. He was born William Samuel Clouston Stanger, January 23, 1897, in the Point Douglas area of Winnipeg, Manitoba.
3. Elvina Fay Wray was born September 15, 1907, on a ranch near Alberta to Elvina Marguerite Jones and Joseph Heber Wray and will most likely show up as a nine-year old-child in the 1916 census. She made her film debut in Gasoline Love (1923), but it was her lead role in The Wedding March (1928) that made her a star. She became a cult figure after her role in King Kong (1933), as the beauty captured by a giant gorilla.
Getting Involved
Interested volunteers can begin helping immediately by registering online at familysearchindexing.org, downloading the free indexing software, and selecting the 1916 Canada Census project. A digital image of a census page will appear. Volunteers simply type in the data highlighted on the computer screen and save it online. It takes about 30 minutes to complete one census page, and volunteers have a week to complete it if need be. Volunteers only need to be able to read, type, and have Internet access to participate.
“The 1916 census was selected first because it is the most recent and smallest of the three censuses targeted in the first phase. It included three of the western provinces (Saskatchewan, Manitoba, and Alberta) and has about 1.7 million names—so it will not take long to complete,” said Stephen Young, FamilySearch project manager.
There are other hidden benefits to volunteering. Volunteers become familiar with historical documents, the valuable stories they can conceal, and their usefulness and application to genealogical research.
Indexers do not need to worry about their skill level at reading censuses. Each census page is transcribed by two different indexers. Any discrepancies between the two entries will be arbitrated by a third indexer. The result is a highly accurate, free index of tremendous value to family history enthusiasts. Young says the more online volunteers that help, the quicker the free census indexes will be available online for all to enjoy and benefit from.
One indexer recently commented, “I am intrigued with how the people come alive for me as I index. I indexed a household . . . containing a family with young children, grandmother, maiden aunt, and a couple of unmarried siblings. They had five servants, and I visualized a well-to-do household; the married son working maybe as a lawyer or doctor, taking care of his extended family. I see both sad and happy stories.”
FamilySearch manages the largest collection of genealogical records worldwide. In 2007 it announced plans to begin digitizing and indexing its collection for broader, online access—starting with popular collections like Canadian censuses. FamilySearch has digitized the 1916 Canada Census and is seeking online volunteers to help create a searchable index for it and other census and non-census Canada projects. The 1861 and 1871 censuses will be next.
Libraries and Archives Canada (LAC) owns and is providing the digital images for the Canada census projects.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Spokane Area RootsMagic Users Group to Meet Thursday
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
November 2008 Computer Class Rescheduled
If you have any questions, please contact Miriam Robbins Midkiff or Juanita Linton McBride (see member directory).
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Resources for Local Native American Research
Microfilmed Native American Records on Permanent Loan at the Colville Family History Center
Bureau of Indian Affairs and Colville Tribe Indian Records
- 1020972: BIA - Indian History Cards, Late 1800 - Early 1900
- 1020973: Births, Marriages, Deaths
- 1020974: Births and Deaths, 1909 - 1942
- 1020975: Births and Deaths, 1914 - 1943
- 1020976: Births, Deaths, Marriages: 1914 - 1943
- 1020976: BIA - Annuity Roll Records, 1892 - 1948
- 05742208: BIA - Indian Census Rolls, 1885 - 1891: Coeur d'Alene, Kalispel, Lake, Spokane, Nez Perce, Okanogan, Moses, Yellow Bulls
- 05742209: BIA - Indian Census Rolls, 1892 - 1897: Okanogan, Nez Perce, Colville, Lake, Spokane, Moses, Nespelem, San Poil, Coeur d'Alene
- 05742210: BIA - Indian Census Rolls, 1898 - 1903: Spokane, Moses, Okanogan, Nez Perce, Coeur d'Alene, Lake, Colville
- 05742211: BIA - Indian Census Rolls, 1904 - 1908: Spokane, Colville, Coeur d'Alene, Nez Perce, Moses, Okanogan, Lake, Sanpoil, Nespelem
- 05742212: BIA - Indian Census Rolls, 1909 - 1913: Spokane, Sanpoil, Moses, Nez Perce, Nespelem, Okanogan, Lake, Colville, Calispel, Wenatchi, Chewelah, Kootnai
- 05742215: BIA - Indian Census Rolls, 1938 - 1938: Supplemental rolls of Colville and Spokane JOPA (also available at Foley Center Library, Gonzaga University)
- 16711660: Washington - St. Paul - Jesuit Mission - with baptism registers, various entries from 1839 - 1870
- 16711661: Washington - St. Regis - Jesuit Mission - with various baptism, death, and marriage records, 1848 - 1917
- 16711662: Washington - St. Regis - Jesuit Mission - burial records, 1953 - 1887; baptism and marriage records, 1852 - 1866; St. Francis Regis Quarterly Indian School reports, 1893; Colville Reservation census,1902 - 1918, 1923, and 1937; Spokane Indian census, 1919 and 1927
- 16711663: Washington - St. Regis: papers and correspondence
- 16711664: Washington - St. Mary's: mission parish census, 1948 - 1949
- Colville Public Library
- Foley Center Library, Gonzaga University, Spokane - Archives Section
- John F. Kennedy Library, Eastern Washington University, Cheney - Archives Section
- Kettle Falls Public Library
- Spokane Public Library, Northwest Room
- Holland and Terrell Libraries, Washington State University, Pullman - Archives Section
Sources to Consider
- Family History Center, LDS Church
- Stevens County Historical Society (research staff available): family files, census records, Watson papers, library, data base
- Northeast Washington Genealogical Society (research staff available)
- Stevens County courthouse records (and other county courthouse records, too)
- Individual tribal headquarters: enrollment records, probate records, history, archives
- Bureau of Indian Affairs: probate records
- Funeral home records
- Local newspapers
- Museums
- National Archives, Pacific Alaska Region, Seattle
- Eastern Washington Regional Archives, Cheney
Items to Check
- Annuity records of various tribes
- Birth, baptism, marriage, death and burial records or registers
- Books: history, biographies
- Census: Federal and tribal
- Family history files
- Land patents
- Military discharges
- Obituaries
- Oral history reports
- Probate records with the Bureau of Indian Affairs or Office of Special Trustee
- Tribal allotments
- Tribal enrollment records
- Tribal school enrollments
- Wills
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Gary L. Taylor (1935 - 2008)
EWGS member Bill Ailes has been helping Mrs. Taylor with the arrangements, and reports that services will be held next Saturday, November 15th at 12:00 PM at Hennessey-Smith Funeral Home, 2203 N. Division Street. The November computer classes were scheduled to be held at the public library that day; we are looking into the various options we have so as to not create a conflict for those who wish to both attend the class and also pay their respects to Gary's family. We'll have a better idea by Monday, when I can speak with my contact at the library about a possible computer class rescheduling. Stay tuned to the blog, the EWGS mailing list, and your e-mail for further notifications. Gary's obituary can be read at the Spokesman-Review website here.
Friday, October 31, 2008
EWGS Spelling Team Ranks 14th out of 27
The Eastern Washington Genealogical Society enjoys a cooperative partnership with the Spokane Public Library. The downtown branch holds the genealogical collection of EWGS and provides meeting rooms once a month for our general meetings. In turn, society volunteers catalogue and shelf the holdings and offer assistance to library patrons with their genealogical research.
Last year, I had the privilege of being on EWGS's spelling team, along with Bill Hire and Doris Woodward. Although we, too, only got about halfway through the round, we thoroughly enjoyed ourselves and were honored to give of our time and money to support the great things which the Spokane Public Library does for our community.
FamilySearch Record Search Update: Over 30 Million New Records Added
Over 30 million names or record images were added to FamilySearch’s Record Search pilot. Significant data was published from 3 U.S. Census indexing projects (1850,1860, and 1870). Digital image collections were added for Massachusetts , Argentina, Brazil, Czech Republic, Louisiana, Russia, Spain, and Vermont (see the table below).
The entire collection can be searched for free directly online at http://pilot.familysearch.org or through the Search Records feature at FamilySearch.org.
Collection: 1850 United States Census (Population) - index & images
Digital Images: ---
Indexed Records: 1,830,275
Comment: Added Georgia, Mississippi, and Virginia
Collection: 1850 US Census (Slave)
Digital Images: ---
Indexed Records: 1,157,705
Comment: See description online for state list.
Collection: 1850 US Census (Mortality)
Digital Images: ---
Indexed Records: 39,325
Comment: See description online for state list.
Collection: 1860 US Census
Digital Images: ---
Indexed Records: 20,112,346
Comment: All states. Partials for Alabama and Pennsylvania.
Collection: 1870 US Census
Digital Images: ---
Indexed Records: 6,866,230
Comment: Added IN, MI, OH, and WI
Collection: 1865 MA Census
Digital Images: 15,434
Indexed Records: ---
Comment: City of Boston
FamilySearch Indexing Update: Partner Projects
FamilySearch has a growing number of society indexing partners. FamilySearch Indexing is working with genealogical or historical societies to complete projects of mutual interest. Volunteer indexers may have noted that partner projects are not readily listed in the available batches to index online unless the volunteer has been granted permission to participate by a partner.
FamilySearch indexers can request to participate in a partner project by sending an e-mail directly to the project’s contact or administrator. The society contact information is found next to the project listing (Go to FamilySearchIndexing.org, Projects, Current Projects, scroll down to partner projects, or just click here).
If permission is granted by the partner, an indexer will receive an e-mail with a new user name and temporary password to use when accessing that society’s project(s). Volunteers should use their regular login and password to continue indexing FamilySearch’s open (non partner) projects as usual.
Current society partners and projects are listed below:
- Algemeen Rijksarchief en Rijksarchief in de Provincien (National Archives of Brussels)
- Arkansas Genealogical Society
- Genealogical Association of Nova Scotia
- Immigrant Ancestors Project
- Indiana Genealogical Society
- Ohio Genealogical Society
- The New England Historic Genealogical Society
Arkansas Marriages [The first of these projects], English, 5%
Arkansas Marriages IV, English, 2%
Belgique – Registres Des Décès (Français), French, 14%
België - Overlijdens Registers - In het Nederlands, Dutch, Flemish, 5%
Bremer Schifflisten, German, New!
Flanders Death Registration, French, Dutch, Flemish, 33%
Indiana Marriages, 1790 – Apr 1905, English, 60%
Indiana Marriages, 1882 – Apr 1905, English, 64%
Indiana Marriage Returns, 1882 – Apr 1905, English, 48%
Indiana Marriages, Apr 1905 – Dec 1957, English, 40%
Nova Scotia Antigonish Church Records, 1823 – 1905, English, 35%
Ohio Tax Records – 2 of 4, English, 59%
Vermont Militia Records (Coming Soon), English, New!
Indexes can be searched for free at http://pilot.familysearch.org. Visit regularly to see what is new!
Monday, October 27, 2008
Photos Added to Tri-Cities Genealogical Society's Website
- The Hanford Site Historical Photo Gallery contains photos about the Hanford site supplied by the US Department of Energy.
- The Richland Police History and Photo Gallery contains a history and photos for the Richland Police Department. The page is very long and because of the pictures loads slowly even over DSL connections. Please be patient.
- The Marlin's Photo Indexing Project being done by TCGS now contains over 29,000 names tied to photos from 1952 through 1974. This list includes over 15,000 unique names.
itsourtree.com Releases Free Family Tree Software
The software enables users to edit and create a family tree on their own PC. If desired, they can then upload it to itsourtree.com and share it with relatives and friends. The Home Edition offers state-of-the-art usability and technology at no cost. Besides operating in the standard GEDCOM format the software also allows the printing of various familial lists in an appropriate genealogical standard.
Itsourtree.com co-founder Sven Schmidt states: “Like Google’s strategy of turning the expensive Keyhole software into the free Google Earth, we decided to offer a software that is usually pricy for free.” Co-founder Daniel Groezinger adds: “This is a ‘thank you’ for all the support we have got from our users. This also extends our internet strategy of offering top quality at no cost.”
Itsourtree.com, the fastest-growing family network worldwide, is a strong complementary to other genealogical resources. So far, more than 5 million families use the platform to combine genealogy with the fun of family communications.
About itsourtree.com
Apart from the English site, the services are available in Germany (www.verwandt.de), in Poland (www.moikrewni.pl), Spain and South America (www.miparentela.com), Portugal (www.meusparentes.com.pt), Brazil (www.meusparentes.com.br), the Netherlands (www.verwant.nl), Italy (www.parentistretti.it) and France (www.familleunie.fr). The platform will continue expanding to other European countries as well as worldwide. Itsourtree.com is supported by leading Business Angels, Hasso Plattner Ventures and Neuhaus Partners, a well-known venture capitalist.
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Two Free "Getting Started on Your Genealogy" Classes by EWGS Offered This Tuesday
In celebration of National Family History Month, the Eastern Washington Genealogical Society is offering FREE Getting Started on Your Genealogy classes throughout the month of October. These classes will introduce people to pedigree charts, family group sheets and research through the Internet and the Library's collection. The classes are offered in the Downtown Library computer lab every Tuesday in October at two different times: 11 AM or 6:30 PM. Attend one or a few to reinforce what you learn.
Space is limited in these hands-on classes; to sign up, call the genealogy desk at (509) 444-5357 on Tuesdays (10 AM - 6 PM) or Saturdays (10 AM - 4PM).
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Two Free "Getting Started on Your Genealogy" Classes by EWGS Offered This Tuesday
In celebration of National Family History Month, the Eastern Washington Genealogical Society is offering FREE Getting Started on Your Genealogy classes throughout the month of October. These classes will introduce people to pedigree charts, family group sheets and research through the Internet and the Library's collection. The classes are offered in the Downtown Library computer lab every Tuesday in October at two different times: 11 AM or 6:30 PM. Attend one or a few to reinforce what you learn.
Space is limited in these hands-on classes; to sign up, call the genealogy desk at (509) 444-5357 on Tuesdays (10 AM - 6 PM) or Saturdays (10 AM - 4PM).
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Free Family History Seminar in Hayden, Idaho
Saturday, October 25th, 2008 -- Hayden Lake Family History Center -- 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM
A variety of soups, salad & fresh breadsticks will be served from 12:00 to 1:00. Yes! There is such a thing as a free lunch, but please pre-register by Thursday, October 23 so we know you are coming!
For more information, or to register:
- Call (208) 765-0150 Monday, 10 AM to 5 PM or Tuesday through Thursday, 10 AM to 9 PM; or
- E-mail Joanne Faye; or
- Mail your name, address, phone number and choice of classes to Connie Godak, 2203 James Crowe, Hayden, ID 83835
- Digital Photo Repair, taught by Dave Van Etten, artist, graphic artist & owner of Van Etten Studios: two sessions
- New Family Search, taught by Donna Austin, Family Search Support Missionary; two additional sessions taught by Karen Bennett, FHC Staff Trainer
- Organization Makes Life Easier, taught by Betty Marriott, FH Consultant. Betty brings home an exciting method of organizing your family history from a class she just attended in Utah.
- Daughters of the American Revolution workshop, taught by Jeanne Venturino, KCGS, & Liz Jones, local DAR chapter Vice Regent.
- Internet Genealogy, Take One, taught by Karen Bennett, FHC Staff Trainer
- Beginning Personal Ancestral File, taught by Connie Godak, FHC Director
- Advanced Personal Ancestral File, taught by Connie Godak, FHC Director
- Internet Genealogy, Take Two, taught by Joseph Mitchell, University of Idaho Cartography BS and grad student in Historical Archeology.
- Searching and Understanding Land Records, taught by Joseph Mitchell (see above)
- Who's PERSI? If you don't know, you are missing 1/3 of the records that are out there: taught by Connie Godak, FHC Director.
- Accessing State & National Archives Records, taught by Joseph Mitchell (see above)
- Cancel Confusion! Does working with GEDCOMs and thumb drives, burning CDs, or knowing where to look for what you need to know to find what you want to know drive you crazy? This class will help! taught by Connie Godak, FHC Director.
Choose one from each session below. Use the class choice numbers listed above:
- 10:10 to 11:00 AM - 2 (instructor: Donna Austin), 6, 9
- 11:10 to 12:00 PM - 1, 4, 5, 7
- 1:10 to 2:00 PM - 1, 2 (instructor: Karen Bennett), 10, 11
- 2:10 to 3:00 PM - 2 (instructor: Karen Bennett), 3, 8, 12
Name _______________________________
Phone _______________________________
Address ______________________________
Don't use Google Maps to map your way to the Family History Center. It gives an incorrect location! From Spokane, take I-90 East. Take exit 11 into Coeur d'Alene. Stay to the left. Turn left onto Ramsey. Go north two miles. Turn left on Hanley. Go ½ mile to the church just past the round-about.
Monday, October 13, 2008
Everton Online Edition FREE Access
Everton apologizes for any inconvenience that genealogists experienced with the initial launch of the Online Edition, and are confident that your experience will now be a pleasant and rewarding one. Everton is offering access to the two Online Edition issues now available at the site: Jul-Aug 2008 and Sept-Oct 2008 absolutely FREE until October 17. Simply go to: www.everton.com. ALSO - until October 27 the $12 annual subscription fee to the Online Edition of the Genealogical Helper will be reduced to $10.00, and the $29.00 annual subscription fee for the hard copy edition of the magazine (includes access to the Online Edition) will be reduced to $25.00.
The Genealogical Helper is widely recognized as having no equal in terms of amount of total content, educational and research information, and lists of organizations, events, and repositories. The complete magazine is online, and all websites listed in either the content or advertisements are hot-linked.
FamilySearch Indexing Update
We had great response to our request a week ago for help with the Cheshire – Poor Law project. Thanks to the focused effort of many volunteers, the Cheshire project is now 97% complete! That’s a 15% increase from last week (or 5,748 batches – Indexer A + Indexer B + Arbitration). It should only take a few more days to get to 100% completion. Sincere thanks go out to all of our indexers who responded to the request. Keep up the great work!
New Projects This Week
This week, two new indexing projects were added—Missouri and Tennessee from the 1870 U.S. Federal Census collection. Please send a message to all friends, colleagues, and family members who might be interested in participating in indexing the two newly added state projects or any of the current indexing initiatives noted below.
Current Projects, Record Language, and Percent Completion StatusAlabama - 1920 US Federal Census English - 1920 - 85%
Argentina Censo 1869 - Buenos Aires Spanish - 1869 - 76%
Arkansas Marriages II English - 1837-1957 - 10%
Brandenburg Kirchenbücher German - 1789-1875 - 9%
California - 1920 US Federal Census English - 1920 - 32%
España Lugo Registros Parroquiales Spanish - 1530-1930 - 7%
Florida 1945 Census English - 1945 - 30%
France, Coutances, Paroisses de la Manche French - 1792-1906 - 7%
Guanajuato Censo de Mexico de 1930 Spanish - 1930 - 60%
Guerrero - Censo de Mexico de 1930 Spanish - 1930 - 38%
Illinois - 1920 US Federal Census English - 1920 - 16%
Massachusetts - 1920 US Federal Census English - 1920 - 17%
Missouri - 1870 US Federal Census English - 1870 (New)
Morelos - Censo de Mexico de 1930 Spanish - 1930 - 78%
New York - 1870 US Federal Census English - 1870 - 88%
Nicaragua, Managua Civil Records Spanish - 1879 - present - 8%
Tennessee - 1870 US Federal Census English - 1870 (New)
Trento Italy Baptism Records Italian - 1784-1924 - 7%
UK - Cheshire - Poor Law English - 1848 -1967 - 97%
Venezuela Mérida Registros Parroquiales Spanish - 1654 - 1992 - 0.4%
Ninth Historical Monument Dedication
From the Spokane Police Department:
On behalf of the Fairmount Memorial Association, in partnership with the Spokane Law Enforcement Museum, and the SPD History Book Committee we would like to invite you to the dedication of our 9th Historical Monument dedicated to Pfc. Joe E. Mann on:
Tuesday, October 14, 2008 at 2 o'clock in the afternoon. Greenwood Memorial Terrace (UPPER level).
Congresswoman Cathy McMorris Rodgers will be giving the Memorial address, Reardan Mayor Sherman Johnson will speak on behalf of their "Hometown Hero", Duane Broyles will dedicate the monument on behalf of Fairmount Memorial Association, and officers from Ft. Campbell, Kentucky will present the family with a memorial plaque, as well as other very special moments planned for this event. Gonzaga R.O.T.C. will present the colors, and John Shaw Junior High School band will have some patriotic music during the ceremony. There will be many dignitaries and family members present.
A reception will follow for all those attending at the Heritage Funeral Home across from Greenwood on Government Way. There will be a PowerPoint program playing about Pfc. Joe E. Mann's life, and a display of his ribbons and awards, etc. for all to view and greet family members.
Questions please contact Susan S. "Sue" Walker at 477-6449.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Washington State Archives Celebrates Archives Month
A calendar of events for the entire state can be found here. Although the month is nearly half over, there are still upcoming events in our area that will prove interesting to those who wish to learn more about local history and archives:
WHEN: Saturday, October 18th, 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
WHERE: Northwest Museum of Arts & Culture Research Library & Archives and Spokane Public Library Northwest Room
DETAILS: Learn how to research your home's history at a fun Saturday workshop. Sessions are led by staff from the Spokane Public Library's Northwest Room and the Northwest Museum of Arts & Culture Research Library & Archives. Space is limited to 15 and pre-registration is required. Workshop fee: $30 for Museum members, $35 for non-members.
INFORMATION and REGISTRATION: Northwest Museum of Arts & Culture Research Library & Archives, 456-393- The Basics of Archives
WHEN: Tuesday, October 28th, 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
WHERE: Washington State Digital Archives, Cheney
DETAILS: If you work or volunteer in an organization that deals with historical records - whether it's a museum, historic house, city clerk's office, the library's local history room, or a historic site - and are not a trained archivist, you will want to take this FREE workshop at the location nearest you.
INFORMATION and REGISTRATION: Brochure for details and registration.
Let Our Experts Help You Break Down Your Brick Walls!

Are you stuck on one of your family lines? Have you hit a brick wall? Don't know what to do next? Can't find the information you're looking for?
Our panel of problem-solving experts can help you! Submit your tricky research challenges to Pat Bayonne-Johnson by Wednesday, October 15th to receive suggestions, tips, and research technique assistance at our November 1st meeting. This meeting will be held in the first floor meeting rooms of the downtown branch of the Spokane Public Library (906 W. Main). It is FREE to the general public.
Coffee, Cookies, and Conversation begin at 12:30, followed by the business session at 1:00. The main event will begin at 1:30. Paid parking is available in the library basement accessed on Spokane Falls Blvd. and across Lincoln St. in River Park Square. A skywalk to the second floor of the library is accessible from River Park Square.
What You Missed: The Fall 2008 Seminar
Her first lecture, "Timelines: Understanding Your Ancestor's World," discussed the importance of timelines to family historians, the different types and scopes of timlines, sources of existing timelines, and methods for develoing customized timelines. Not only did Barbara encourage us to put flesh on the bones, but to add clothing and a setting to our family history!
"Using Boxes to Think Outside the Box" came next, and she explained that cells and tables found in spreadsheets and word processing programs are the "boxes" we can use as tools to analyze, organize, and absorb information. Her helpful syllabus gave step-by-step directions to create an Excel worksheet from the Family History Catalog's film notes, as well as links to free downloadable pre-formated Excel spreadsheets or Microsoft Word documents for transcribing source documents. Her instructions were clear and concise and helpful even for those with limited experience with these programs.
After a tasty lunch catered by the Mukogawa Fort Wright Institute food service staff, we listed to "Digitizing Your Genealogy: Relax! It's Only Bits & Bytes". Ms. Nuehring explained the importance of digitzing your genealogy files, the various types of files, how to download, photograph, and/or scan files so that they are digitized, and gave ideas on how to organize these digital files. The last was especially useful, as she gave some great ideas for naming files within folders so they are easy to find as well as easy to analyze while browing through them.
"Beyond Words: Dressing Up Your Family History" was next. While her "Timelines" presentation added a setting to a family history, "Beyond Words" provided a wardrobe to our ancestors' bare bones after the flesh was added. Four areas were covered: "The Closet: Hardware and Software," "The Clothes: The Four Principles of Design," "The Cosmetics: Fonts and Attributes," and "The Accessories: Charts, Maps & Illustrations." These were followed by a list of resources for helping create a beautifully clothed family history publication.
What was your favorite part of this seminar, and what did you learn? Please leave your comments below.
The next general meeting will be held Saturday, November 1st in the first floor meeting rooms of the downtown branch of the Spokane Public Library (906 W. Main). A Problem-Solving Panel will be available to help members and non-members alike with suggestions for breaking down your brick walls. To receive expert help with your research challenges, submit them to Pat Bayonne-Johnson by October 15th. This meeting is FREE to the general public. Coffee, Cookies, and Conversation begin at 12:30, followed by the business session at 1:00. The main event will begin at 1:30. Paid parking is available in the library basement accessed on Spokane Falls Blvd. and across Lincoln St. in River Park Square. A skywalk to the second floor of the library is accessible from River Park Square.
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Two Free "Getting Started on Your Genealogy" Classes by EWGS Offered This Tuesday
In celebration of National Family History Month, the Eastern Washington Genealogical Society is offering FREE Getting Started on Your Genealogy classes throughout the month of October. These classes will introduce people to pedigree charts, family group sheets and research through the Internet and the Library's collection. The classes are offered in the Downtown Library computer lab (second floor) every Tuesday in October at two different times: 11 AM or 6:30 PM. Attend one or a few to reinforce what you learn.
Space is limited in these hands-on classes; to sign up, call the genealogy desk at (509) 444-5357 on Tuesdays (10 AM - 6 PM) or Saturdays (10 AM - 4PM).
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Spokane Area RootsMagic Users Group to Meet Thursday
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Updates on Genealogy Software Program Classes Post
Since then, there has been some updated information that will be useful to those who attended the classes and/or read the earlier post. Here are useful links for those updates:
Family Tree Maker
Family Tree Maker released version 2009 in August. It was offered as a free upgrade to purchasers of FTM 2008 who had registered their software.
A Family Tree Maker User blog has been started by Russ Worthington (not affiliated with The Generations Network, producer of FTM). Russ starts out by showing many of the features of FTM 2009.
Randy Seaver's posts about using FTM 2008 have been indexed and can be found here at his blog, Genea-Musings. As of this date, there are 26 posts in this tutorial series.
Bruce Buzbee is still working on getting RootsMagic version 4 finalized for its release. He tells me that anyone who purchases version 3 now will get a free downloadable update to version 4 when it is released.
Need More Info? GenSoftReviews Can Help!
A new website, GenSoftReviews.com is now available for you to research or review genealogy software, and it's all free! Did you know there's a myriad of genealogy software programs available? Not just database programs, where you enter names, dates, and places, but mapping software, organizing software, research software, and other kinds of utilities. You can check out their features, advantages, and disadvantages at this user-friendly site. Reviewers choose from five categories to rate their favorites: Enjoy Using It; Use It Often; Easy Input; Easy Output; and Overall Rating. Choose from a variety of Licenses (free, subscription, etc.), Platforms (Windows, Mac, etc.), Types (full-features, auxiliary, etc.), then review it by Most Reviews, Latest Reviews, Alphabetically by name, or by any of the five rating categories listed above. Check it out!