Sunday, September 13, 2009

WSGS Conference Third and Last Day

Got to sleep in some this morning, then headed for the Davenport to hear Megan Smolenyak talk on online newspapers. As the researcher for EWGS I spend a lot of time in the local newspapers looking up a lot of obits and a few other stories in the microfilm of the newspapers at the library. Megan talked and showed examples about the online collections of Genealogy Bank, Ancestry, Newspaper Archive, Google newspaper archive, and a few other websites that have newspapers online. Excellent talk, and then after two years of planning and preparation it was over. We said our goodbye's and left. At 1:30 the planning group and Megan went to Anthony's Home Port restaurant for a leisurely dinner, and a little gab fest. I have a few pictures and will post them in the next few days.

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