Friday, March 7, 2025

Thoughts & Quotes


I keep a ongoing list of thought-provoking quotes and thoughts. And I find them everywhere!

From Alex Haley, author of Roots:

* When you clench your fist, no one can put anything in your hand, nor can your hand pick up anything.

* When you search enough for something bad, you're just likeable to find something good.

From Frank Herbert, author of Dune:

*Thou shalt not make a machine to counterfeit a human mind.

* To attempt to see the light without knowing darkness cannot be.

* Everything must take its course.

* Every experience carries its lesson.

* Greatness is a transitory experience.

*Respect for truth comes close to being the basis for morality.

From Jane Goodall:

* "You cannot get through a single day without having an impact on the world around you. What you do makes a difference and your have to decide what kind of difference you want to make."

From Geraldine Brooks, author of March:

*"There is only one thing to do when we fall and that is to get up and go on with the life that is set in front of us and try to do the good of which we are capable for the people who come into our path."

I do hope you enjoyed these thoughts from my mind. 

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

The FRAMEwork Approach


EWGS member, Karen Lehfeldt, shared a genealogy book with me that she was studying. The title was what I used above and it was by Sally Romano (  The ideas were so good that I HAD to share them with you in hopes that they will spark you mind to better genealogy researching. 

* The FRAMEwork Approach helps identify the key steps on which to focus your research.

* The FW Approach is a guidance process that involves five recurring steps per level.

* F - Focus - identify objective
* R - Records - brain-storm and jot down every to-do idea
* A - Assort - sort and group these ideas into read To-Dos
* M - Maximize - ensure that you're planning SMART Goals:

  • S - Specific Goals - what do I want to achieve?
  • M - Measurable Goals - how will I know when I've found the answer?
  • A - Achievable Goals - can I achieve it?
  • R - Relevant Goals - does it help me achieve what I want?
  • T - Timely Goals - when do I need to know it by?
* E - Execute - activate your plan, regularly tracking your progress.

The final words to the lesson were these: You cannot manage what you don't measure.