Genealogical news from Spokane, Washington, USA, and the Inland Northwest.
Friday, November 29, 2024
Ships They Came On:
Tuesday, November 26, 2024
Red Star Line: 60 Years of Immigration
In spring of 2024, on my Viking trip to The Netherlands, we did visit Antwerp in Belgium. Our riverboat was moored steps away from the Red Star Line Museum and I could NOT wait to walk through those doors!
The several floors and rooms of the museum were so well done and informative; I realized that the emigrant experience explained there could be considered parallel to many such immigration ports in Europe.
Of course I visited the gift shop and of course I purchased the above 240-page book and happily hauled all three pounds of it home. The opening sentence speaks:
"On 1 December 1934, the ships of the Red Star Line were making their last voyage. Over the previous seventy years, they had transported an estimated 2.5 million passengers, both rich and poor alike. They had enticed emigrants from all over Europe to come to Antwerp and take a boat to the other side of the Atlantic Ocean."
These are the chapters in the book:
- Millions of people, one dream
- Story of a shipping company
- Story of a place (Antwerp)
- A Belgian story
- A European story
- An American story
- A universal story ("migration, the great human story")
- I'd be happy to loan you my book or Amazon and other used book websites offer copies. If you want to better understand European emigration and immigration, this book is your read.
Friday, November 22, 2024
Quaker Records & Research
Tuesday, November 19, 2024
Better Baby Contests
In Jim Kershner's column, 100 Years Ago Today, 5 Sep 1923, had this bit: "Carol Mahoney, age 20 months, was declared "Grand Champion Baby of the Inland Empire" at the Interstate Fair. Judges gave little Carol a score of 99.875%.....yes, babies were judged.... while her closest competitor scored only 99.75%. She won $120 in gold after "four days of grueling examination by the corps of doctors and nurses."
I did some follow-up research on "little Carol Mahoney." Born on Christmas Day in 1922, Carol Arleigh Mahoney was born to William and Ruth (Hoffman) Mahoney. She married Robert Hepker; she died on 22 Dec 2010. No children were listed. (Information from Find A Grave.)
If you find the idea of judging babies to be wild and weird, Google this article and read on:
‘Better Babies’ Contests Pushed for Much-Needed Infant Health but Also Played Into the Eugenics Movement
Contests around the country judged infants like they would livestock as a motivator for parents to take better care of their children
Francine Uenuma
History Correspondent, Smithsonian Magazine
Friday, November 15, 2024
Geiger Field..... Now GEG
Spokane played a unique part in the history of aerial warfare in the World War II days and afterwards. Called Sunset Airport, the facility was taken over in 1939 by the Army Air Corps for a training base. Eleven of the twenty groups of B-17 bombers stationed in England during World War II were trained in part at Geiger Field.
The history of aviation in Spokane began in 1911when a daredevil pilot flew across the country from Ohio to win a bet. In 1912, aviators were flying in and out of Glover Field (below Monroe Street bridge). After World War I, a Flying Circus staged stunts and took customers up for $5 ($81 today). Another new landing strip was created in the near valley and dubbed Parkwater Field (now Felts Field since 1927).
Geiger Field was named in honor of Maj. Harold Geiger, an aviation pioneer and war veteran who, incidentally, never was in Spokane.
After the war, personal air travel burst upon Spokane. Commercial airlines used Felts Field but soon found that was an inadequate location. In 1938 the city purchased 1280 acres of land west of town for a new airport to be named Sunset Airport (soon Spokane International Airport). Sunset Airport was renamed Geiger Field in 1939.
So why is our Spokane airport designated GEG? Easy answer. There are dozens of airport designations beginning with "S" and very darn few beginning with "G." So we became GEG.
(If you'd enjoy reading more on this history topic, read "From Geiger To Glory," by Marshall B. Shore, in the 1996 Vol. 40, No. 4, The Pacific Northwesterner..... can be accessed at the Eastern Washington Historical Society archives at the MAC.)
Tuesday, November 12, 2024
Multi-Course Dinners...... Would You Survive?
The holidays are nearly upon us and family dinners are likely being planned. Will you be using "mom's antique china" dishes and/or fixing a multi-course dinner?? Likely a resounding NO!
Antique and thrift shops these days seemingly always have "grandma's old china set." And these dishes end up in such shops because people don't "eat like that" any more. The day of 16-course dinners is long past.
A typical Very Fancy Dinner might include these courses:
- raw oysters
- soup, a thin or cream soup
- hors d'oeuvres
- fish
- vegetables (asparagus, artichokes or corn)
- sorbet
- hot roast
- "entremets" a half-way mark, likely to be sweets
- game (wild birds or beasts)
- salad
- pudding
- ice cream
- fruit
- cheese
Friday, November 8, 2024
Rules of the Road, 1913, Part 2
Want to know more about the history of traffic lights? Ask "Grandma" Google! Click to Wikipedia!
Continuing the Digest of Traffic Ordinance, City of Spokane
Speed must not exceed 15 miles an hour inside of fire limits. In other parts of the city 20 miles an hour may be maintained. NOTE: State Law provides that outside of thickly settled or business portion of any city or town speed must not exceed 24 miles per hour.
In crossing or turning, speed must not exceed one-half the legal speed limit.
In proceeding by inertia or momentum of car, the feet of the driver must be on both pedals.
Violation of ordinance subjects the offender to a fine of not less than one dollar nor more than 25 dollars, or in default of payment imprisonment in city jail not exceeding ten days.
Hummm...... how fast to you drive when heading east or west on I-90 through the fairly straight and empty (but beautiful!) part of our state????? At 25 MPH, getting to Seattle would take 14 hours. Ouch.
Tuesday, November 5, 2024
Manresa Castle in Port Townsend
Friday, November 1, 2024
Rules of the Road, 1913, Part 1
Keep to the right, near the right hand curb.
In meeting other vehicles, pass to the right. (sic)
In overtaking other vehicles, pass to the left.
Before starting on street, give an audible signal.
On turning to the left into another street pass to the right of and beyond the center of the street intersecting before turning.
In turning to the right into another street turn the corner as near the curb as practicable.
In crossing from one side of street to the other, turn to the left so as to head in the same direction as the traffic on that side.
Do not stop with the left side to the curb.
All vehicles going in a northerly or southerly direction have the right of way over any vehicle going in an easterly or westerly direction.
In slowing up or stopping with other following, signal by raising the hand vertically.
A signal or request from a person riding or driving a restive horse or driving domestic animals requires that the automobile should be stopped or remain stationary until animals have passed.
In moving slowly keep close to the right hand curb to as to allow faster moving vehicles to pass on the left.
In 1913, Spokane published the "Automobile Guide and Directory." This booklet listed by license number each business or person owning a car or truck and the brand owned. A few representative pages were reproduced in The Pacific Northwesterner, Vol. 43, Issue 2, October 1999. Just glancing through the list, I noticed these makes of cars: Packard, Rambler, Buick, Ford, Winton, Franklin, Lozier, Reo, Chalmers, Brush, Cadillac, Mitchell, Elmore, Overland, Midland, Indian, Pierce-Arrow, Baker Electric, Maytag, Flanders and many more. Very few of those names are recognizable today!