The November 2017 meeting was the Butler Group that was postponed from February because of a big snowstorm in February. They were predicting snow again so I was wondering if we would ever get to see the research the Butler group had done.
The city is still working on the Combined Sewer Overflow tank right next to the Spokane Public Library. This will be one of the largest CSO tanks in Spokane and will stop the flow of raw sewage into the river when there is a large snow melt or a big rain storm.
This is the group of officers for EWGS for 2018. The Election was held in the early part of the business meeting. Thanks for volunteering.
Then there was a break and the cookies were wonderful, thanks for whoever brought them.
This is the Butler Group looking for the descendants of Nace Butler that was one of the 272 Slaves sold by Georgetown University in 1838 to pay the bills that Georgetown University had at that time.
They had a lot information along the side of the room of printouts they had found so far. They had a couple of clues that helped, Georgetown was a Catholic school and all the slaves were Catholic, and some had surnames both were uncommon for slaves, so tracing them was a little easier than a lot of slave research.
Genealogical news from Spokane, Washington, USA, and the Inland Northwest.
Sunday, November 5, 2017
Tuesday, August 29, 2017
Genealogy Collection Moved to Second Floor of Library
The Spokane library has been working on moving different collections to different places. We knew they wanted to move the genealogy collection from the third floor to the second floor, close to the northwest room. They cut down the space we had so many of the books were put in storage in the first floor. Problem with that is out of sight few people will know to ask. The genealogy desk and the file cabinet that was close to the genealogy desk are in the southwest corner of the second floor. They are still without power or phone connection, but that is supposed to be coming soon.
They have moved the newspapers and the microfilm readers by the stairs to the third floor, newspaper microfilm in the cabinet on left of photo.
They have moved the newspapers and the microfilm readers by the stairs to the third floor, newspaper microfilm in the cabinet on left of photo.
Microfilm readers for the newspapers.
The Tuesday volunteers getting ready to work on collection.
They are going to make the north side of the third floor an area for meetings in front of the wonderful windows overlooking the Spokane River Falls, but right now it overlooks the construction
of the Combined Sewer Overflow tank.
Monday, August 21, 2017
Montana State Genealogical Society Conference
Please Note: As of 31 July 2017, the original room block has sold out. A few more rooms at the Big Horn Resort have been added at the adjusted rate of $99.00/night plus tax, but these are expected to sell out quickly as well.
Click for downloadable PDF Form:
Registration Brochure & Form
There will also be 3 FREE WORKSHOPS starting at 5:00 on Thursday afternoon, September 21, 2017.
These are informal gatherings where attendees interested in learning about the topic can ask their questions and learn from each other.
Topics offered this year are:
First Families & Early Settlers of Montana: Have questions on the application process? This one is for you
Norwegian Research: Get help with this often tricky and confusing area
DNA Q & A's: Confused about DNA? Ask & Learn from each other's experiences
Coming Early and looking places to visit in Billings? Click here for some ideas!
Check back often for more details!
For more information, contact Verba Valentine at
Monday, June 26, 2017
Family Search to End Sending Microfilm to Family Search Centers
Family Search will stop sending microfilms to the Family Search Centers September 1, 2017.
They say they will have all the microfilm digitized by 2020, and they have been working on the most requested films first.
Here is the story from Family History Daily
They say they will have all the microfilm digitized by 2020, and they have been working on the most requested films first.
Here is the story from Family History Daily
Thursday, May 25, 2017
Eastern Washington Genealogical Society June Meeting
Army Medicine during the American Civil War 1861-1865
Saturday, June 3
Army Medicine during the American Civil War 1861-1865 (EWGS Meetings)
12:30 pm to 3:00 pm
Spokane Public Library Auditorium, Downtown Spokane
Presenter: Mike Inmann
Mike Inman is a retired Firefighter living in Spokane with his wife MJ and has been reenacting for 26 years. He does reenacting and living history including the frontier army of the 1880's focusing on Forts Sherman and Spokane as well as portraying a surgeon 1861-1865 with the Washington Civil War Association. Mike has an extensive library for research to questions and some details of ancestors who fought in the Civil War. Mike also has a vast array of equipment including original medical instruments that he displays and allows people to handle so they can get a hands on experience, for example, of what an actual Civil War period amputation saw feels like. He not only reenacts throughout the Pacific Northwest but has attended many Civil War reenactments back east as well as participated in filming for Civil War oriented movies. Mike strives to educate or as he likes to say, "de-Hollywood the American Civil War" as well as entertain through both a presentation and a question and answer period.
The program is designed to give both military and civilian medical history involving the armies of the Union and Confederacy. But the presentation can go in any direction the audience wants such as drug use, medical procedures, nursing activity, field hospital organization, statistics, etc.
Go to "Download: Meeting Handout." to obtain the presenter's handout.
Cookies & Social Time: 12:30 PM. Meeting starts at 1:00 PM
Download: Meeting Handout.
NeWGS 2017 Fall Seminar
NeWGS 2017 Fall Seminar
A Day with Dollarhide
Saturday – September 16, 2017
To be held at the Ambulance Shack
at the north end of Colville (just east of the Roundabout)
Saturday, September 16th the Northeast Washington Genealogical Society will be holding their 36th annual Fall Seminar at the “Ambulance Shack” located at the North Roundabout in Colville.
The featured presenter will be William Dollarhide; renowned genealogy lecturer and author. He
has been in pursuit of his family origins since 1971 and involved
professionally with genealogy since 1980. He has written over 120
published magazine articles relating to genealogical research; has
developed several software systems for genealogy; and he is the author
of over 30 books, including Map Guide to the U.S. Federal Censuses,
1790-1920, one of the best-selling genealogy books of all time
Topics for our workshop include:
American Migration Routes, 1750-1800
Using Deeds to Trace the Trails of Your AncestorsYou Know About Census Records But What About Census Substitutes?
Civil War Genealogy
Mr. Dollarhides numerous books will be available for purchase during breaks and lunch.
Mark your calendars now! You don't want to miss this one. In
fact, why not bring a friend? Remember you don't have to be a member to
Registration is at 8:30 a.m. with the program beginning at
9:00 a.m. Lunch is included. The Registration Form is attached below.
Please contact Karen Struve at 509-690-8380 should you have questions.
Registration Form ( )
Saturday, April 29, 2017
Eastern Washington Genealogical Society May Meeting
Tuesday, April 4, 2017
Library Construction Update
Stopped by the library today to take some pictures of the construction detours.
Looking north on Lincoln they have closed the crosswalk in front of the library across Main. You need to cross Lincoln first then Main and Lincoln again.
Cars heading north on Lincoln by the library, There is two lanes from Spokane Falls Boulevard to Main.
Looking South on Lincoln, notice right lane right only heading to Monroe, left lane either right to Monroe or left on Main.
Here is the new driveway on the right side of Lincoln that goes to the library parking lot.
This is from the second floor of the library showing the ramps to the parking garage and the lanes leading to Lincoln.
Here is a car leaving the garage and waiting for a hole in the traffic to exit onto Lincoln.
They have closed the sidewalk heading north along Lincoln past the library book drop, so you can not walk to the garage ramps now. They have also removed all the parking along Lincoln so the traffic can move efficiently.
This is the sidewalk along Main heading towards Monroe, it is closed just past the bike racks. The sidewalk on the south side of Main is still open, but a miserable way to get to it, across Lincoln to the east, south across Main then west across Lincoln again.
Saturday, April 1, 2017
What You Missed April 1, 2017 DNA Seminar
The day started out interesting as the Video hookup for the Country Holmes Christian Church would not hook up to the computer of the speaker Mary Kathryn Kozy without an adapter and no one had one on them so the new projector that EWGS had just purchased was hooked up and worked perfectly. It was supposed to be demonstrated at the board meeting today, but everyone got to see it work.
Hooking up our new EWGS projector
EWGS President Pat Bayonne-Johnson started the meeting a 9 am.
After introducing guests and the treasurers report Mary Kathryn Kozy presented her first session on DNA Fundamental and mitochondrial testing. A short break to try to eat up some of the cookies, brownies and other sweets and then on to second session. This one was on Y-DNA testing and its applications to Genealogy and a little on X-DNA. Both of these sessions were very informative and a lot of questions asked and answered so I hope everyone understands DNA now.
Next was lunch and sampling all the goodies brought in by EWGS members. Same problem as always way too much food and not enough people to eat it all up.
Mary Kathryn Kozy answering questions while she ate lunch.
Next the drawing for the door prize and raffle prizes and they did not even get close to my numbers.
The last two sessions started early in order to get done early so we could get home to watch the Gonzaga and South Carolina basketball game. ( The Zags won and will play for the championship on Monday)
First session was Can you Help Me Find My Cousins? Understanding Autosomal DNA. This one has changed the scientific thought on how DNA was passed from generation to generation. The last session was Using your Results, Gedmatch and other Third Party Tools. Not sure an hour to go over these tools could even scratch the surface of this subject, and then new tools are coming online also.
Wednesday, March 15, 2017
Tri City Genealogical Society April Meeting
The Tri-City Genealogical Society would like to announce our upcoming April 12th meeting which will feature the Sons of the American Revolution Flags, Uniforms, Weapons and researching S.A.R. records. Thank you for your continued support.
Art Kelly
TCGS Program Chair
Monday, March 6, 2017
What You Missed March 4, 2017 EWGS Meeting
March is Women's History Month and so our topic was Finding Women Ancestors by Kim E. Morgan.
Kim is an author and here she is holding her book.
She started out with three people from the audience playing To Tell The Truth, where each lady said she was Nancy Jane Justice, and each had references to prove that she was the real Nancy Jane Justice. And after several questions and even having her husband trying to tell the correct Nancy Jane Justice proof came from the probate of her father, and it turned out all three ladies were Nancy Jane Justice even though the sources seemed to make a case that there was three different ladies.
Andrew Chanse the Library director also came to inform us about the upcoming Library Levi that will be on the April 25th ballot extending the Library Levi for seven years this time at the same rate as it has been for three years. He told that it has helped keep the East Central, Hillyard and Indian Trail libraries open 8 hours a day 5 days a week, and that if the levi fails the library board might have to cut the hours at these three branches or even close a branch. So if you are a city resident please support the library levi.
Andrew Chanse and EWGS President Pat Bayonne-Johnson
Tacoma Pierce County Genealogical Society Spring Seminar
TPCGS Spring Seminar 2017
April 28 & 29, 2017
Speaker: Judy G. Russell, JD, CG, CGL – also known as The Legal Genealogist
Emcee: Cyndi Ingle
Saturday Topics: No Vitals? No Problem! — Building a Family through Circumstantial Evidence
When Worlds Collide: Resolving Conflicts in Genealogical Records
“Don’t Forget the Ladies” — A Genealogist’s Guide to Women and the Law
Beyond X and Y: The Promise and Pitfalls of Autosomal DNA Testing
Friday Evening Topic: Blackguards and Black Sheep – The Lighter Side of the Law
Location: La Quinta Inns and Suites, 1425 East 27th Street, Tacoma, Washington
A limited number of rooms will be available at a special rate for seminar attendees.
Additional Information available on the TPCGS website at:
Raffle Tickets – Door Prizes – Vendors – Book Sale
We hope to see you there!
April 28 & 29, 2017
Speaker: Judy G. Russell, JD, CG, CGL – also known as The Legal Genealogist
Emcee: Cyndi Ingle
Saturday Topics: No Vitals? No Problem! — Building a Family through Circumstantial Evidence
When Worlds Collide: Resolving Conflicts in Genealogical Records
“Don’t Forget the Ladies” — A Genealogist’s Guide to Women and the Law
Beyond X and Y: The Promise and Pitfalls of Autosomal DNA Testing
Friday Evening Topic: Blackguards and Black Sheep – The Lighter Side of the Law
Location: La Quinta Inns and Suites, 1425 East 27th Street, Tacoma, Washington
A limited number of rooms will be available at a special rate for seminar attendees.
Additional Information available on the TPCGS website at:
Raffle Tickets – Door Prizes – Vendors – Book Sale
We hope to see you there!
Sunday, February 26, 2017
Northeast Washington Genealogical Society Fall Seminar
Saturday, September 16th the Northeast Washington Genealogical Society will be holding their 29th annual Fall Seminar at the “Ambulance Shack” located at the North Roundabout in Colville.
The featured presenter will be William Dollarhide; renowned genealogy lecturer and author. He has been in pursuit of his family origins since 1971 and involved professionally with genealogy since 1980. He has written over 120 published magazine articles relating to genealogical research; has developed several software systems for genealogy; and he is the author of over 30 books, including Map Guide to the U.S. Federal Censuses, 1790-1920, one of the best-selling genealogy books of all time
Topics for our workshop include:
American Migration Routes, 1750-1800
Using Deeds to Trace the Trails of Your Ancestors
You Know About Census Records But What About Census Substitutes?
Civil War Genealogy
Mr. Dollarhides numerous books will be available for purchase during breaks and lunch.
Mark your calendar now! You don't want to miss this one. In fact, why not bring a friend? Remember you don't have to be a member to attend.
Registration is at 8:30 a.m. with the program beginning at 9:00 a.m. For more details please visit our website at or call Karen Struve at 509-690-8380.
Wednesday, February 15, 2017
Ulster Historical Foundation USA Lecture Tour
USA Lecture Tour, 05 March 2017 Tacoma, Washington
Want to discover your Irish and Scots-Irish ancestors?Many people believe that researching Irish ancestors is impossible because of the destruction of the Public Record Office in 1922. While many records were destroyed, others survived and large collections have come online in recent years.
Join Fintan Mullan and Gillian Hunt from the Foundation during their annual USA lecture tour to learn how to get the most out of Irish resources and records, gain strategies for breaking down brick walls, and grasp important historical context that may help fill in gaps in your research.
Whether you are just beginning your Irish research or have been at it for years, you won’t want to miss these workshops!
Fuller contact details with additional information can be found at:
Sunday, 05 March – Tacoma, WA (1:00pm–5:00pm)
Location: Pierce County Libraries, Administrative Center Library, 3005 112th St E, Tacoma, WA 98446
Host organisation: Lakewood and South Hill Libraries
Tel/e-mail: 253-548-3425 or 316-300-3383 (mobile)
Register online:
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