Sunday, March 30, 2008

What You Missed: The March 2008 General Meeting

Have you ever heard of mindmapping? Well, Donna Potter Phillips made a presentation at our March 2008 General Meeting of--what was for many--some new information on coming up with ideas for figuring out new avenues of researching brick walls and solving some genealogical puzzles using this fabulous technique. Mindmapping helps you brainstorm, organize, manage, and track your ideas, and all you need is a piece of paper and a pen or pencil! Most of us really don't think linearly (in a straight line; logical, ordered thinking), but instead have disconnected ideas bouncing around in our heads. Mind Mapping helps organize all these scattered thoughts and put them into a logical pattern that can be very useful. I first discovered mindmapping when I began to work for the local school district and noticed that elementary teachers were modeling it to their young students when teaching writing skills. If third- and fourth-graders can do this, so can you!

Donna included a handout with her presentation, called "The Magic of Mindmapping" by Lori Gardner. I'm sure you could contact Donna (look her up in the member directory) to get a copy. Here is a link to a blog Lori recommends with a post about mindmapping with links to further resources.

The next general meeting will be held Saturday, April 5th in the first floor meeting rooms of the downtown branch of the Spokane Public Library (906 W. Main). Duane Broyles of the Fairmount Memorial Association will be speaking on "Cemeteries: Yesterday and Today." This meeting is FREE to the general public. Coffee, Cookies, and Conversation begin at 12:30, followed by the business session at 1:00. Mr. Broyles's presentation will begin at 1:30. Paid parking is available in the library basement accessed on Spokane Falls Blvd. and across Lincoln St. in River Park Square. A skywalk to the second floor of the library is accessible from River Park Square.

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