Monday, August 31, 2015

Report from the annual EWGS retreat, 30 August 2015

While this photo is a year old, it is a lovely picture of our "Tuesday Gals" and Spokane Public Library Director Andrew Chanse (back left). (Mayor David Condon also appears in this photo, wearing the yellow tie.) 

And the "gal" right in the center is Patricia Bayonne-Johnson, who at the retreat announced that she is willing to become the next EWGS president, subject of course, to the election of the membership. That news was received with smiles and applause.

Another item of business came from Mary Holcomb and Barb Brazington (both at top right). Apparently the Spokane Public Library is having a "feasibility study" on the usage and space for materials at the downtown library. Big thanks to all the Tuesday Gals, and especially Barb and Mary, for keeping on top of these sorts of developments because they greatly impact EWGS.

Most of the Board and Committee Chairs were in attendance and the programs for 2016 were discussed and decided upon. We promise you great programs for 2016 so please stay tuned. 

Personal note from Donna:  EWGS could not function without the dedicated volunteer help of 30-some EWGS members who are always giving of their time and talents for the cause of promoting EWGS. They are the heart and soul of EWGS; I thank them all.

And if you are asked to accept a position to be of help to EWGS, please accept and know that you are joining a great team.

1 comment:

Charles said...

Andrew Chance is the gentleman with the whiskers, Mayor David Condon is with the yellow tie.